Have less expenditure

I’m a regular reader of your newspaper and I appreciate your contribution to the society especially in the recently concluded Identity Card registration and other events happening in the country.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I’m a regular reader of your newspaper and I appreciate your contribution to the society especially in the recently concluded Identity Card registration and other events happening in the country.

However, I would like to express my views in relation to the way people spend their money without due regard for ‘tomorrow.’

I have seen some Rwandans especially the youths spending more than they earn. I start to worry about the future of our country, when the youths who are supposed to plan for their future families are busy wasting away in bars and expensive places just for fun.

Let us know that our daily life is the determinant of our future, we should also put it at back of our minds that expenditure is not supposed to exceed income.
