Parents to pay for damages in school strike

Parents whose children were involved in a strike at King David Academy in Kicukiro district will compensate property worth Rwf 1.2m that was destroyed. In an interview with The New Times, Annet Batamuriza, the School’s Director, said that 26 students who were arrested during the strike will all be held accountable for the damaged property.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Parents whose children were involved in a strike at King David Academy in Kicukiro district will compensate property worth Rwf 1.2m that was destroyed.

In an interview with The New Times, Annet Batamuriza, the School’s Director, said that 26 students who were arrested during the strike will all be held accountable for the damaged property.

"We met the parents of the students who staged the strike and they agreed to pay for what was destroyed by their children,” Batamuriza said.

The property destroyed included furniture, computers and windows.

The riots took place last week on Sunday night.
According to Batamuriza 15 of the students who rioted were expelled while10 candidates were allowed to sit for the National Examinations.

The students said they were led into striking because of hard labour which the school administration imposes on them.

However, the school’s director said the students started the strike because they were restricted from freely mixing with girls.
