God made man to talk to

God looked around and said I’m lonely I will make me a world. Darkness covered everything and he made the light, made the sun and the stars and the moon.

Monday, November 12, 2007

God looked around and said I’m lonely I will make me a world. Darkness covered everything and he made the light, made the sun and the stars and the moon.

He set them in the heavens. The sun was on his right hand. The moon on his left hand and the stars were crusted about his head. And the earth about his feet. He made the seven seas, he made the valleys and mountains and hills.

He made lakes and rivers. God still saw .He was lonely. He made fishes and fouls, He made beasts and birds. Then God walked around, and looked around on all that he had made.

He looked at the moon, the stars; he looked on his world with all its living things and God said "Am still lonely”.

God sat down on the side of a hill where he could think. He sat down by a deep, wide river with his head in his hands, God thought and thought. Up from the bed of the River he picked the clay, and made a man.

He kneeled him down, like a mummy bending over her baby, kneeled down in the dust, toiling over a lamp of clay till he shaped the man in his own image then into it he blew the breath of life. And man became a live soul.

God later saw the man was lonely still. He said this man can’t do without a woman. God made man sleep and out of his rib he made a woman. And God slept the woman by the side of the man .When the man woke up, He said "what a beautiful woman”.

They lived together happily; they were to eat everything except the tree of life that God had prohibited them never to touch. One day they were deceived and they ate it. That’s when man started disobeying God.

God set up Ten Commandments for man to obey but man turned a deaf ear. God fixed time for man to marry and God said "for that reason man will leave his father and mother and join his wife there will no longer be two’.

The greatest command given was love, Man has disobeyed it. There is killings, divorce, hate, theft, adultery, anger, revenge, worshiping of idols, witchcrafts all these have separated man from God. Now man cries day and night for help and many times no answer, for we have disobeyed.

God, let man make God laugh. Can human nature change by itself or can man except the spirit that produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self control so as to be able to talk to God freely and God to be happy with man.
