Solve transport problems in Kigali

Atraco transportation company must help people who commute to Kigali daily because they go through a lot of trouble to get transport back to their homes after work.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Atraco transportation company must help people who commute to Kigali daily because they go through a lot of trouble to get transport back to their homes after work.

Onatracom is more indebted to the social obligation of transporting folk in the rural areas than in the urban part of the country.

Atraco has the potential to solve the congestion at Kigali’s main parks but the will is far from reality. It is a shame to see people stranded in the taxis parks in capital city before midnight.

Atraco should prepare to face tougher competition from Ugandan and Kenyan drivers before the customs union.
