Tell Chaka…

Keeping clean should be our discipline as children. Children who do not want to keep clean are likely to catch diseases like scabies, skin rushes, and lice, among others.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Keeping clean should be our discipline as children. Children who do not want to keep clean are likely to catch diseases like scabies, skin rushes, and lice, among others.

It is not a good habit to clean some parts of our bodies leave others unclean. We should learn to clean our whole bodies. Maintaining personal hygiene helps us to be free from diseases caused by poor hygiene.

In our interview today, we have one of the girls who was awarded for being the smartest pupil of the year. She is going to tell us what she did to look smarter than the rest in the school.    

Chaka: Can you please tell us your name?

Hope: My name is hope Mukamusoni

Chaka: Hope, how old are you?

Hope: I am 13 years old.

Chaka: In which class are you?

Hope: I am in P. 4

Chaka: Hope, indeed you look smart, what do you do to always keep smart?

Hope: I bathe the whole body every morning, keep my hair combed and short. I have to make sure that my uniform is washed at least twice a week and my shoes polished. I do not allow my nails to grow long like some of the pupils at school.

Chaka: Apart from washing your uniform at least twice a week, bathing everyday and keeping your hair short what else do you to look clean.

Hope: I brush my teeth every morning and make sure that my books are covered well and are organized. This helps my books not to tear in a short time.         


Dear children, I think you have heard from Hope. There’s a prize for every child that keeps hygienic. Keeping clean should not stop at our schools alone; it should be a discipline you follow even in the holidays.

Let us fight the diseases which may come as a result of poor hygiene by keeping clean.
