Kigali city school in a study tour

Recently, the school children of Kigali City School located at Kabeza together with their teachers and parents made a tour around Kigali city. The tour aimed at showing the children some of the significant places in Kigali.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Recently, the school children of Kigali City School located at Kabeza together with their teachers and parents made a tour around Kigali city. The tour aimed at showing the children some of the significant places in Kigali.

Among the places toured by the children were the parliament, The National Stadium, The Ministry of Education, Kigali Memorial Center, Serena Hotel, The Kigali International airport and concluded their journey at Bambino one of Rwanda’s most attractive places for children and adults.

According to the head master of the school Damien Nkurunziza, "The visitation to the National Stadium aimed at promoting the sportsmanship in children and other talents like music and arts.”

While at the National parliament, the children got an explanation that it is a place where cabinet meetings take place.

On their way to the ministry of education, the Genocide memorial site and the international airport, children had a chance to see the president’s offices, Village Urugwiro in Kiyovu.

From a distance, the children were shown the offices of the Ministry of Education. This was purposely done to help the children enjoy education and to consider it as an important stage in life.

Nkurunziza further said that the reason why children had to visit the Genocide memorial center was to make it possible for the children to see and understand exactly what happened in the country 13 years ago and should never to happen again.

The study tour continued to Nyabugogo taxi park, Serena Hotel, Kigali International Airport and ended at Bambino-Kabuga where they had refreshments and different games to play.

The school has a vision of creating future problem solving leaders. It aims at transforming children into people who can commit themselves to the development of Rwanda.
