Ego – cause for problems world wide

“Ego”, as per dictionary means perception of self in relation to outside. As per theory of famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, it is a component of the mind with which one relates to others. But for me, “ ego” simply means  exaggerated, grand, opinion of self. If that exaggerated opinion remains limited to the mind of the person, fine.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"Ego”, as per dictionary means perception of self in relation to outside. As per theory of famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, it is a component of the mind with which one relates to others. But for me, " ego” simply means  exaggerated, grand, opinion of self. If that exaggerated opinion remains limited to the mind of the person, fine.

But when it starts affecting other people it creates problems. Ego, a seemingly simple feeling creates many problems in the world.

Consider a family. All members live in harmony, following and obeying a senior member to maintain discipline. Then a member develops ego problems. He starts rebelling and tries to dictate his own terms.

This creates chaos and infighting in the family, loss of discipline and peace. Ego problems between husband and wife are the main cause for marital disharmony and number of divorcees.

In office, if the boss is an egoist, he remains aloof from his employees. He does not communicate with them much, considers their problems as excuses for not doing work and their demands as exaggerated.

The consequences which follow can be one or more than one of the following – the skilled employees switch over to another job at the first opportunity.

Replacing a person is not difficult. But an experienced hand is an asset for any organization while new ones will be a liability as they take time to get acquainted with the system of working.  Those unable to change start getting frustrated and loose interest in work.

Gradually   they fail to put in their best at work, thus affecting the quality.

On the part of the boss, he remains lonely in spite of his position and power. He lacks true friends and well wishers if his ego is inflated, because he would be surrounded by sycophants   or people fearing him. His subordinates do not respect him and feel happy when he changes.

In case of a subordinate employee having a big ego, situation becomes more difficult.

This person always thinks that he is excellent and not   get  his due, wherever he works. He does not cooperate and coordinate with his colleagues, tries   to argue with the superiors and wants to do things his way even if incorrect.

Both these types of scenario are not pleasant and spoil the peace of the office. Office is a place where one spends 8 to 10 hours of the day, 5 to 6 days of the week.

A vitiated atmosphere becomes stressful for both employees and the bosses.

Thus all are exposed to risk of developing hypertension, cardiac problems and other stress related health problems.

At a higher level, it is well known that for centuries  wars   have been fought to satisfy the ego of some person ruling  the country or masses.

People   of any nationality or community live in peace and harmony, with one another.  They are instigated to fight and kill one another because of the ego of some leader.

In no situation is an egoist person loved or appreciated. People may be taken in temporarily by his boasting or airs but very soon his true self is exposed.

Why do people have an inflated ego?  In some people it is due to lack of self confidence, which they try to hide by bossing over others. Over confidence may be the cause for exaggerated egos in some persons.

Just because of some skill they have, they regard others to be morons whom they have come to salvage.  Some weak minded people get carried away by false praises bestowed on them by others for some personal gains and blow up their ego.

Exaggeration about self is also a psychiatric disorder in which the person is removed from reality and has delusions of grandeur about themselves.

Thus for benefit of self and others, keeping away ego is a good policy. Great men of the world who are still revered like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, all are well known for their humility.

One should remember very well that whatever he may be, he is a tiny drop in this vast ocean of humanity and God’s    kingdom. 

All human beings   are interdependent on one another for their very existence, whether one accepts it or not. Doctors, farmers, cleaner, cooks, engineers, teachers, all are needed in a society.

A very rich man would need grains grown by a farmer, milk brought in by milk man, helpers to help around in the house and at work. So it is better that instead of showing his superiority he acknowledges the help extended to him and is respectful.

If all shed their egos, learn to appreciate and respect others, what a wonderful and peaceful place the world will become? 
