Over 90 survivor families to get accommodation

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO—Residents of Kirauruzi sector who were affected by the Genocide are to get new houses in the newly-finished Midugudu of Munini and Gakyenye in the coming two weeks.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


GATSIBO—Residents of Kirauruzi sector who were affected by the Genocide are to get new houses in the newly-finished Midugudu of Munini and Gakyenye in the coming two weeks.

The local leaders have finished 40 3-bedroom houses, which all also include kitchens and outside storage. The settlement also has the advantage of having water that will be accessible by all the members living within.

Coordinator of Kiramuruzi Ingando Egide Ntanbashwa said that the houses would be handed over to their respective owners in two weeks time.

"We have successfully finished building the 40 houses and we are now remaining with finishing the 21 toilets and this is going to take us less than two weeks, after which they will be handed over to the residents.”

The executive secretary for Kiramuruzi sector Vincent Murenzi said this was a "new way of building” and praised it for using space economically.

"We decided to use this method of two houses in one in order to economize space and again this will help solve the social factor of people learning to live together in harmony under one roof.”

Gatsibo mayor John Vianney Murego, while touring the houses at the beginning of last week, said he was impressed by the developments and the way the contractors together with the sectors were working.
