Miracles claimed at Ps Kayanja crusade

GASABO - About fifty people claimed to have been healed by the power of God at the opening of Pastor Kayanja’s Miracle crusade on Friday evening at the Amahoro National Stadium.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pastor Kayanja at Amahoro Stadium during the crusade. ( Photo/ G Barya)

GASABO - About fifty people claimed to have been healed by the power of God at the opening of Pastor Kayanja’s Miracle crusade on Friday evening at the Amahoro National Stadium.

Thousands had flocked the stadium to hear the famous Ugandan, among them the sick who expected to witness miracles.

"We believe this is the day and time of God for Rwanda,” Pastor Kayanja said while opening the three-day crusade.

"I was here one Sunday, when you were just recovering from the tragedy,….Now God is going to touch you and you are not going to remain the same,” Pastor Kayanja added in his African-American accent amidst applause.

Many people walked up the podium to testify on the miracles they claimed to have experienced during the twenty-minute prayers led by Kayanja.

One man jumped out of his wheel chair, and a woman dropped her clutches after the pastor’s prayers.

A man who claimed lost his sight for ten months claimed to have regained it.

"I am old and I had lost my sight but now I can see,” said the man before he was tested by Kayanja who asked him to touch his interpreter’s head, neck tie and to identify the colour of the paper and Kayanja’s handbag.

Several others who were bedridden due to various physical impairments and were aided to the crusade, claimed having been healed instantly and could walk without their aides’ assistance to the podium.

 "If Jesus Christ healed sicknesses, delivered people, chased out demons 2000 years ago, then he can do it tonight; it is possible for cripples to walk, heaven is opening for Rwanda tonight,” Kayanja said in his healing sermon.

Meanwhile, Rwandan women dressed in the traditional attire, Imishanana, flocked the Petit Stade adjascent to the main stadium for the Girl Power Convention 2007 led by Jessica Kayanja, Pastor Kayanja’s wife.

The convention was attended by many dignitaries including the Mayor of Kigali City, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira.
