GET INSPIRED : Beauty Inside Out

Beauty is in the heart, looks only add to it. This saying is rarely believed though it’s the sheer truth about beauty. Right from the genesis of man, outward beauty never really counted. However much God made man and woman adorable and beautiful on the outside, their hearts weren’t that beautiful.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beauty is in the heart, looks only add to it. This saying is rarely believed though it’s the sheer truth about beauty. Right from the genesis of man, outward beauty never really counted.

However much God made man and woman adorable and beautiful on the outside, their hearts weren’t that beautiful.

We live to suffer the consequences of our fore grandfathers’ wicked hearts. Death, pains while delivering and hard work are all part of the hereditary suffering package.

What if Adam and Eve’s hearts were pure, wouldn’t peace be prevailing in a stress free world?

Humanly, beauty is judged by one’s appearance. This explains why some will miss out on important meals just to get all the make-up to make them look terrific.

Especially for the ladies dressing up, the way they present themselves before others and the way they talk focuses on appearing beautiful.

Meanwhile, if we focused on inner beauty, everyone would be easily attracted to us no matter how we look.

Inner beauty refers to having a pure heart that doesn’t carry resentment and is willing to help all the time.

Kindness, patience, genuine love, perseverance are some of the very many fruits of inner beauty. Beauty on the outside without inner beauty never lasts.

The more people get used to you, the more they know your character hence getting more or less attracted to you.

It’s quite costly to have a good heart since the world is full of toxins and hurtful situations but to a determined person, nothing will ever stain their hearts.

They will smile at every storm, find positive ways to resolve conflict without resentment and always love unconditionally.

On the other hand, even a person with the wicked heart can change for the best. A friend always refers to herself as the ‘beautiful butterfly that came out of a bad caterpillar,’

Funny as the statement sounds, it takes gradual stages for a person to change to the best. Especially with the heart, you’ll have to battle with different ill thoughts to perfect it.
"Some battle for life to change their wicked hearts but what really matters is the everyday effort to change than how perfect their hearts have become,” says Laura Mizero, a community worker.

The best way a person can change for the best is through blocking emotions.

All bad intentions come up when someone is emotionally hurt. And the only way one can block emotions is by facing them.

"If someone hurts you, tell them how you feel about it. This way, you’ll forgive and become emotionally better,” Quotes Wikipedea an online journal.

Personality change comes by choice. If you can identify your weakness you will focus on avoiding them.

For instance, if you have a hot temper, you’ll always avoid arguments and if you get into one, you’ll know how to shut up.

A good heart doesn’t come on a silver platter but its deserving.

And if you want to be loved, cherished and always remembered for your good deeds, why not start the heart changing -struggle early enough.
