Perfect Weekend…. : Thadeo Gahima Gasasira

Thadeo Gahima Gasasira is the Guild President of Kicukiro College of Technology. He is a second year student, offering electronics and telecommunications. He must be having a hectic week balancing books and the Guild President role.

Friday, September 18, 2009
Thadeo Gahima Gasasira

Thadeo Gahima Gasasira is the Guild President of Kicukiro College of Technology. He is a second year student, offering electronics and telecommunications. He must be having a hectic week balancing books and the Guild President role.

Below, he shares with us how he winds up his week:
I start the weekend on Friday after conducting a meeting with my staff where we look at the week’s achievements and challenges and plan for the following week.

Thereafter, I change into clothes fit for a weekend then join some friends.

On Saturday, I am up by 6a.m for some early physical exercise, have breakfast and watch some movies.

I have lunch at mid-day. In the evening I take a stroll with some friends.

It’s the time when most school mates approach and freely interact with me unlike during the week when they view me as guild president.

My friends and I usually enjoy music, movies and reading current affairs.

On Sunday, I go to church and by noon I am home. I make sure I have lunch by 1p.m, especially when football is on.
However, when it’s Arsenal against any other team, I make it a point to get to the hall where it will be shown before other fans in order to secure a better seat for a nice and clear view.

Be it a win or loss, I must get into my room as early as possible to organize for Monday.

The weekend is perfect when I spend it that way.