The secret life of... : Anthony T.Cooke

Anthony T.Cooke is the Principal of Riviera Secondary School in Kabuga. He is married and blessed with children. Below he shares more of his life with us:

Friday, September 18, 2009
Anthony T.Cooke

Anthony T.Cooke is the Principal of Riviera Secondary School in Kabuga. He is married and blessed with children. Below he shares more of his life with us:

The first thing you do in the morning...
Take shower and shave

When are you happiest?
When professional and personal lives are in harmony

Greatest fear…

Earliest childhood memory…
Walking with my mother and seeing war trucks during World War 2

Affectionate memory of your parents…
Having given me equal affection and educating me well

Greatest achievement…
Opening Riviera in only 15 days and bringing it to its present reputation within the shortest time possible.

What keeps you awake?
Problems of school governance and how to solve professional issues

The most important thing life has taught you…
That there is need for high performing people to be humble and good listeners

During your free time…
I read, engage in photography; relax with family members as we listen to current affairs.

Retirement plans…
I will have to stay in Mombasa, engage in writing and some educational activities.

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