FROM THE EDITOR : Every life counts, safe guard it

The title comes from our commentary and feature pages. You’ll notice that today we do not have one big feature but a commentary and feature. They are both talking about life. One on the importance of family planning and some Christian’s views and attitudes towards it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

The title comes from our commentary and feature pages. You’ll notice that today we do not have one big feature but a commentary and feature.

They are both talking about life. One on the importance of family planning and some Christian’s views and attitudes towards it.

The other on why we should ensure that a woman does not lose her life while bringing forth another, in child birth. When one talks about family planning, the aspect of life comes into play.

As human beings, we should ensure that we are responsible enough to bear children we can at least give the basics of life. These include clothing, shelter, medication, food and love.

If we ignore proper family planning, the love and other provisions in the family will definitely deteriorate with each born child. Due to frustrations brought about by failure to cater for the family and each new child, parents usually become hostile to each other.

This sometimes results in husbands abandoning their homes or staying out late in drinking joints in a bid to delay the inevitable…watching the misery in their homes.

Lack of family planning is also among the many factors that lead to mothers losing their lives while giving birth. This is because in most cases, these women are weakened by the many births they have made.

Sometimes, matters are worsened by poor and inadequate nutrition during pregnancy. So, as you can tell by now, the commentary and feature are somehow related. They are telling us, ‘Every life counts, safe guard it.’

Otherwise, we at the SundayMag wish you great reading.
