GICUMBI - Police in Byumba have arrested a 25 year old woman for allegedly carrying out an abortion.Claudette Uwera is said to have induced the abortion using local herbs. The incident took place last Sunday evening at the woman’s parents home in Kinihira 1 Village of Gisuna Cell in Byumba Sector.
GICUMBI - Police in Byumba have arrested a 25 year old woman for allegedly carrying out an abortion.
Claudette Uwera is said to have induced the abortion using local herbs.
The incident took place last Sunday evening at the woman’s parents home in Kinihira 1 Village of Gisuna Cell in Byumba Sector.
Uwera says that she decided to abort because the boy responsible for the pregnancy identified as Dromian Dusenge, refused to marry her. And he has since disappeared.
"The only alternative remaining for me was to abort, since there was no one to take care of the child upon delivery,” she said.
The girl’s mother Donatila Mukamugenza aged 55, said she learnt of the unfortunate incident from her elder daughter, after returning from church service late in the evening.
"I immediately alerted the in- charge of community Policing at Gisuna Cell who in turn reported the matter to Byumba Police,” said the elderly woman.
Other sources said Uwera had informed her elder sister of her action, after she experienced serious abdominal pains upon carrying out the abortion.
"Uwera told me she has aborted and strangled the child and needed quick treatment to ease abdominal pain. This prompted me to look for our mother, who in turn called the authorities,” said the sister.
Police say abortion contravenes Article 30 of Rwandan Organic Law No.27/2001 of 28/04/2001, relating to children rights against violence.
"She is likely to be sentenced to a jail term ranging from 5 to 15 years, upon conviction,” said police.