Cadillac imports modern equipment and DJs

It’s not newly established, it has been around for more than 12-years. But if you have been there recently, I bet you would think that Cadillac is a newly established discotheque. Located near Executive Car Wash, Cadillac is set to offer superb and harmonized services.

Monday, September 14, 2009
Cadillacu2019s new image

It’s not newly established, it has been around for more than 12-years. But if you have been there recently, I bet you would think that Cadillac is a newly established discotheque.

Located near Executive Car Wash, Cadillac is set to offer superb and harmonized services.

New Cadillac has been undergoing renovation for the previous few months by professional engineers and designers, who have given the club’s interior and exterior an exotic vista.

Cobra, the owner of Cadillac, is basically determined to modify the old disco into a modern and glamorous nightclub in town. He has imported unique, innovative and expensive disco equipment, and has also hired three professional disk jockeys (DJs) from Kenya and Uganda.

The equipment, include, disco lights, live band equipment and sounds systems. Cobra said the DJs will be featuring particular genre of music in the club, such as jazz, rock and dancehall.

He further said that other equipment could be added to the basic DJ setup to provide unique sound manipulations.

"DJs will be using a sub-harmonic synthesizer which either doubles low frequencies with energy added an octave lower or synthesizes harmonics such that the impression of a lower bass sound is added to the mix,” Cobra told The New Times.
