BK, Rubavu district in row over missing Rwf 15m

Bank of Kigali-Rubavu branch is facing a growing pressure from Rubavu district to avail Rwf 15m that mysteriously disappeared from the district account. The district was using the account in the mentioned bank to get deposits from taxpayers and other dues from lands department but after some time, the district couldn’t trace the money.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bank of Kigali-Rubavu branch is facing a growing pressure from Rubavu district to avail Rwf 15m that mysteriously disappeared from the district account.

The district was using the account in the mentioned bank to get deposits from taxpayers and other dues from lands department but after some time, the district couldn’t trace the money.

According to a well place source at the bank, the district came to know about the missing funds in July 2009.

"The teller could receive money but this money couldn’t be deposited on the district account but depositors would get bank slips certifying that they had paid,” said Livingstone Kubwayezu, the branch manager.

"We are sending a second letter to the bank demanding for our money perhaps by Monday, they have to pay because the funds got lost in their hands,” said Rubavu mayor Pierre Twagirayezu.

Meanwhile, the bank last month dragged to court 31-year old Anita Nsabimana, the teller, accusing her of breach of trust and embezzling the money.

Nsabimana was the only teller who handled the account.
"I can’t speak about this case because it is already before courts of law,” said Nsabimana when contacted.

According to prosecution, Nsabimana faces up to 5-years of imprisonment on conviction.

"We are arranging for the bank to refund the money and we have asked the district to have a little patience as we process it,” said the branch manager. 

Sources in Rubavu prosecution told this reporter that, some district officials might have had a role in the disappearance of the money.
