Weekly Review

MINEDUC, police, RDF merger in classroom construction The week started with a declaration of commitment from Rwanda Defense Forces and the National Police in teaming up with the Ministry of education to render services in the construction of 3,172 classrooms in a bid to bead the deadline.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Rwandau2019s CDS Gen. James Kabarebe (L) with his Belgian counterpart Gen. Charles Henri Delcour at Kigali international Airport on the latteru2019s arrival last Sunday. (Photo J Mbanda)

MINEDUC, police, RDF merger in classroom construction

The week started with a declaration of commitment from Rwanda Defense Forces and the National Police in teaming up with the Ministry of education to render services in the construction of 3,172 classrooms in a bid to bead the deadline.

This comes as an unprecedented collaboration between three utterly different bodies, teaming up to offer a central service, other levels and institutions are leveled to contribute to this cause such that by the start of next academic year the classes are ready.

Belgium, Rwanda’s forces agree to cooperate

The week progressed with Rwanda and Belgium defense forces agreeing to establish a joint military cooperation; this was reached after the meeting between the chief of Belgium Defense Gen Charles-Henri Delcour and his Rwandan counterpart Gen James Kabarebe during the former’s recent visit to the country.

It was also agreed that Rwanda will be deciding to decide what kind of help it requires Belgium to render as opposed to not consulting it first.

Bank of Kigali upgrades software

In a bid to cut operating costs and consolidate its position in Rwanda’s banking industry, Bank of Kigali is set to upgrade its banking software to improve technology based service delivery.

This comes at a time when the bank’s net income in the first ghalf of 2009 reduced to Rwf 2.9 billion from Rwf 3.3 billion, which prpmpted the bank’s management to seeking ways of increasing customer loyalty and management costs more effectively.

Japanese government gives 3 billion Rwf to Rwanda

The Japanese government under its Non project grant Aid initiative gave Rwanda over 3 billion Rwf grant to be spent in areas that government deems a priority with in the national budget.

The last grant of this nature was disbursed in 2007 and it was used to rehabilitate Kigali Institute of Science and Technology.

Remittances up 24 percent

It was reported that Rwanda’s cash inflows from abroad have increased by 24 percent in the first half of 2009, defeating earlier speculations that remittances will drop by 15 percent at the end of the year.

Rwanda leads the world in doing business

The epitome of this week’s news came midweek when Rwanda outclassed the rest of the world in doing business, where it emerged as the top reformer in setting up a conducive business environment during the recently concluded reading of 2010 World Bank’s doing business report.

In the report Rwanda took an unprecedented jump from its previous ranking of 143 to 67th out of 183 countries in a function conducted at the World Bank country office.

Out of the 10 indicators of the World Bank, Rwanda registered massive reforms the best globally in starting a business, employing workers, dealing with permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors and others.

Police arrests Remera housewife killers

Police in Remera arrested three men accused of murdering Louis Nunvirabagabo a resident of Ubumwe cell in Gasabo district.

Those arrested are Theogene Nsabimana who had been working as the deceased’s house help who actually confessed of strangling the late housewife and his accomplices Evariste Ntawugashira and Evariste Ndayigiye.
