Sorry is not a man

I have always wondered why God created some of us males and others females. No wonder the French differentiate between each and everything in either masculine or feminine.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I have always wondered why God created some of us males and others females. No wonder the French differentiate between each and everything in either masculine or feminine.

Take the example of peace and liberty; these two words are female in French with an equivalence of la paix et liberte.

I think it all started when our heavenly father created the first man Adam and then decided to make for him a helper, a woman whom he named Eve.

In other words, this woman was a very important part of man as she was created out of man’s rib.

So man was supposed to respect her all their time together in the Garden of Eden and for this relationship to function and the mutual respect to be there, Sorry was one of the words expected to be heard from both partners.

But Adam’s sorry didn’t come easily. After eating the forbidden fruit and God asked why he had done so, he was not apologetic in any way instead he put all the blame on woman for having given him the fruit. Was it really hard to say I am sorry God and I will never do it again instead of blaming Eve?

I have always asked myself this question after a friend of mine brought it up thinking she was the only one having this same question.

This is a question that runs in the heads of many Eves out there. Why do men hardly ever say they are sorry?
My friend Chloe once asked me the same question and went on to tell me why she was having such a question.

Here’s her experience;Chloe and her husband have a hard time, they even have different fighting styles, and they fight every now and then. And when they do it is usually big and the fight gets taken too far.

They both get angry, he’s the one that always starts yelling and calling her names.

And she is usually the one to say I’m sorry and usually the one to start talking to him and let it go.

She used to have a problem doing that because she wanted to talk it out but he told her to "just let it go” and things would be better.

So she says sorry first and their life goes on without even getting a chance to say what’s on her mind. Chloe even started to feel that she is being taken for granted and taken advantage of.

Shouldn’t he make the first move some times? Shouldn’t he say sorry too? She now feels like he is running over her and she is losing herself.

Does this mean he doesn’t love her? Of course he does and the problem here is not love.

The only answer to this and all the others related to this is simple; Sorry is not a man and therefore don’t expect him to say it with ease.

It is not his thing at all so give him a break and be the one to employ this 5 lettered word all the time because it’s in you and you are in it.

Say it all the time or else you will be treated to a total silence. It’s only this word that can keep all relationships clean and healthy.

Sorry makes one feel safe and secure. Sorry is even important than thank you or I love you. All the other words said in any marriage or friendship are useless if sorry is not part of them.

Imagine if at every end of the day, one gets a chance to say, Am sorry, I never meant to hurt your feelings. There would be no fights in many homes and this world would be a better place.

Many men are never apologetic; of course some are really apologetic because exceptions will always be there.

I insist that many don’t apologize maybe because they are never wrong……you can only apologize if you are human but some of these men think they are god and with their precious egos they think apologizing is wrong but they are wrong.

Stella says she has been with her hubby for a long time and that she can count on one hand how many times she heard him apologize to her.

She feels like she is constantly the only one apologizing for everything that goes wrong. Even if he is wrong he doesn’t apologize. This is so hurtful. What should be done for this to change? NOTHING!

For the men out there reading this article and they know how to say sorry as taught by their precious mothers and still use it all the time, thank you.

Sorry to those who don’t know the spelling of sorry and therefore can’t say it. All in all SORRY is not a man.
