REALATIONSHIPS : Loving people for who they are, the best way to go

My friend Jolly always enjoyed making friends and hanging around influential people. She would do all she could to befriend high class youths.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My friend Jolly always enjoyed making friends and hanging around influential people. She would do all she could to befriend high class youths.

Speak of ministers’ sons/reltives; she would know all their details even before meeting them personally.

Jolly learnt the hard way after she had landed in serious problems. All the countless friends disappeared.

Jolly wasn’t ill mannered, her only mistake was loving people for what they are other than who they are.

Inorder to keep up appearances, most of us choose friends who will make us feel important.

Choosing friends basing on their status in the community is the worst mistake. Its fine if they can love us back, but what if our friendship is even nagging to them!

The central point in making friends is being there for each other and loving them the way they are.

Friends are ones that will stay in all seasons. Come rain come sunshine, a true friend will still put a smile on your face.

Choosing and loving friends is far more than what they have. Things that people follow while making friends in most cases is wealth, family names, beauty and intelligence.

Such friendship never lasts, afterall its not based on love and understanding of each other.

Imagine if what you followed to initiate the friendship is lost, obviously your love will be history as well.

On the other hand, everyone deserves to be loved. The poor, the dull and people who are less beautiful also have hearts and love to offer.

That’s why most of the bible verses focus on God uplifting the meek and the poor.

We should also keep in mind that no human has no errors, infact no person is lovable one hundred percent.

If others can tolerate and love us, then why are we so choosy when it comes to loving others?

Let’s keep the flames of love burning by loving people for whom they are and accept them. Love makes imperfect people perfect and that’s all that is needed.
