Two more people killed in Southern province

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE­—The spate of killings rocking Southern Province continued this week with the murder when two people—a Gacaca witness and a Genocide survivor—in Rubona cell.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


HUYE­—The spate of killings rocking Southern Province continued this week with the murder when two people—a Gacaca witness and a Genocide survivor—in Rubona cell.

Sosteni Bisominbwa, 70, a resident of Kadaho, Nyanza district was strangled to death by yet-unknown attackers during a heavy downpour on Saturday, November 3.

According to the Kyabakama sector executive secretary Jean Baptiste Habineza, the deceased was returning from Ruhango district where he had gone to visit a relative.

"The old man met his death in Rubona Cell on his way from Ruhango. There is all indication that he was strangled until he died,” Habineza said.

According to police, three people have been detained in relation to Bisominbwa’s death as investigations continue.
On the same day, in Nyaruguru district a dead body identified as that of Francois Shingiro, 50, was discovered in Gishwi stream.

"Shingiro an ardent Gacaca witness is believed to have been strangled and his body dumped in a stream. Police has launched an investigation into the case,” said district mayor Felix Sibomana.

The death of the two comes hot on the heels of three known cases recently killed—all either Genocide survivors or Gacaca witnesses—in the last month.

On August 31, Costasia Mukamurara, a resident of Kikonko sector, Gisagara district over the age of 70 and Genocide survivor was behead at night asleep in her bed.

Recently, Paul Rutayisire, 47, Kabulemera Gacaca court president and vice-president of Genocide survivors association in Karama sector was brutally murdered.

Rutayisire’s murder was followed by yet another incident targeting Genocide survivors or Gacaca witnesses. On October 24, Jacqueline Jyambere, a Gacaca court judge in Nyamabuye Sector in Muhanga district was gang-raped. Her attackers are still on the run.
