Residents celebrate achievements

RUHANGO - Residents of Kamonyi village, in Byimana sector, have resolved to embrace the land consolidation policy, in their efforts to boost agricultural production. 

Tuesday, September 08, 2009
L-R Celestine Twagirumukiza, Mayor of Ruhango, Michel Mbarubukeye, the Kamonyi village head and Sosthene Habimana, the sector leader at the ceremony. (Photo D Sabiiti)

RUHANGO - Residents of Kamonyi village, in Byimana sector, have resolved to embrace the land consolidation policy, in their efforts to boost agricultural production. 

They made the commitment last week while celebrating the successful implementation of better production activities.

The sector received a Rwf1.2million cash award and a trophy after emerging the best in Ruhango District. 

"Residents have through combined efforts, managed to set up a model settlement within the district. Forty houses are under construction and respective families will soon occupy them,” the sector leader, Sosthene Habimana, said during the celebrations.

He added that the former settlement areas will be consolidated into a single farm land as soon as the residents relocate.

Previously, he added, residents have been involved in the construction of terraces as a measure to check on soil erosion, which has boosted food production. 

Residents hailed the cattle stocking programme of ‘One-Cow-Per Family which they said has remarkably improved livelihoods.

According to records, over 150 residents have passed on calves to their neighbours.

The Mayor, Celestine Twagirumukiza, urged residents to strive to become the best countrywide. 

He promised to support the community in getting better modes of infrastructure.

In return he asked local leaders to ensure that the remaining families in the village are able to access more cattle under the government sponsored restocking programme.
