Poem>>>Leaped before we looked
Thursday, November 10, 2022

We jumped in head first

We jumped in without dipping our toes to test the waters

We jumped in with our hearts and not our brains

It was refreshing

It was blissful

It was an imagination

Until our brains came to speed

Bringing all fears and insecurities with it

We had to hold the breaks

Because we didn't know what to listen to

The bliss turned to a battle field

A battle that couldn't be won with thought

Because thought was fighting against us

A battle that meant protect ourselves

A battle that brought past events

Past hurts

And we had to oblige

Because the fear and paranoia was too strong to handle

We had to let go

And wish for better days

When our thought will be for us and not against us.

The writer is a passionate poet.
