Parents, take caution!

School children are back for holidays. Many of them, especially the girls are a common sight on the streets of Kigali City moving up and down, window shopping and searching for jobs or simply moving aimlessly.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

School children are back for holidays. Many of them, especially the girls are a common sight on the streets of Kigali City moving up and down, window shopping and searching for jobs or simply moving aimlessly.

These girls should be very careful because, some wicked men out there are anxiously waiting to sexually take advantage of them and use slogans like "Isenene zaguye”.

Parents should take extra caution and protect their daughters from men who have no regard for innocent girls. Keep the children busy with house work and install into them a reading culture even outside a school environment.

Let us jealously guard our children because when disaster befalls them, we indeed share the pain, loss and expense.
