Who can we lean on?

This is taken from the story which was recently run by the New Times about a negligent doctor.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

This is taken from the story which was recently run by the New Times about a negligent doctor.

The medical assistant Dr. Desire Rwabukwisi attached to Nyagatare main hospital is alleged to have neglected a patient to the extent of creating an environment conducive for breeding of maggots with a horrible stench coming from her body.

Desire who doubles as the head of the psychiatrist department and one of the most experienced staff should know better that a patient who does not have relatives to take care of them is no justification of ill-treatment.

It is the hospitals responsibility to take care of a patient with no conditions attached. Who then shall we run to if we are treated in such a manner?

This is just one example of the people out there who are suffering silently. Doctors who can not win their patient’s trust ought to be out of the medical profession.
