Rwandan women are playing a significant role in development

Editor, Apart from the many women parliamentarians, Rwandan women, against all odds, have embraced hard work and development. Rwanda has shown that women can compete in all work spheres, and that there are no jobs specifically for men and not women.

Sunday, September 06, 2009
The hardworking Rwandan women will be the key that unlocks this countryu2019s potential


Apart from the many women parliamentarians, Rwandan women, against all odds, have embraced hard work and development. Rwanda has shown that women can compete in all work spheres, and that there are no jobs specifically for men and not women.

For instance in Uganda to see a woman driving a taxi is rare while in Rwanda a number of women drive taxi’s as a living.

Rwandan women are also found working on building sites and in butcheries- jobs that are mostly considered masculine in nature.

And many Rwandan women are thriving in business. They are competent and show great business acumen.

In villages, the women are the money makers. The number of girls who are in school assures me that one day, Rwanda will have a female president.

Lilian Umutoni