Kagame inaugurates Cathedral in Remera

REMERA - President Paul Kagame yesterday, commended the strong infrastructural work that Christians in Remera have accomplished after nine years of construction, saying it was a clear sign of hard work and determination. During the official inauguration of Regina Pacis Cathedral, Kagame congratulated the Catholic leaders and congregation for answering government’s call for participation in the development of the country. He however noted that if it was not for combining prayers with hardwork, such a dream would not be realized. The President went on to say that if an individual or a group of people chose to stick with either work or prayer, nothing would be achieved.  Both must be combined in order to register progress.

Sunday, September 06, 2009
President Paul Kagame (C) flanked by the Archbishop of Kigali, Thadeo Ntihinyurwa (R), and the Parish priest, Innocent Konsolateri, inaugurate Remera Parish yesterday. (Photo/ J. Mbanda)

REMERA - President Paul Kagame yesterday, commended the strong infrastructural work that Christians in Remera have accomplished after nine years of construction, saying it was a clear sign of hard work and determination.

During the official inauguration of Regina Pacis Cathedral, Kagame congratulated the Catholic leaders and congregation for answering government’s call for participation in the development of the country.

He however noted that if it was not for combining prayers with hardwork, such a dream would not be realized.

The President went on to say that if an individual or a group of people chose to stick with either work or prayer, nothing would be achieved.  Both must be combined in order to register progress.

Citing accomplishments over the years, the President urged the congregation present to reflect on previous success stories that have made Rwanda exemplary, such as cleanliness, security and good governance and use them as a platform to attain more in relation to development.

The Archbishop of Kigali Diocese, Thaddee Ntihinyurwa thanked President Kagame for attending the inaugural occasion of the new 5000-seat cathedral and called on Christians to contribute to the establishment of priests’ apartments next to the new facility.

On behalf of all the other Christians, a representative explained that the construction of the church was totally a collaborative effort of the people from the areas of Kimironko, Kabeza and Remera among others.

"It has been nine years of effort and today we have managed to successfully upgrade from a small church to this big one. The construction cost over Rwf820 million but we also acquired a loan of Rwf110 million from Bank Populaire.”

"To date we still have about Rwf37 million in debt but we manage to pay up in instalments of 2 million monthly,” he explained.

With regard to the outstanding loan, President Kagame pledged to contribute 50 percent t of the remaining unpaid amount as a contribution to this great initiative.

The President also recognized that such an achievement is better appreciated than one that is simply given as a gift.
As such, he advised his audience that everything is possible if the people have a will to decide what they want and work to realize that dream.

Youth Minister, Protais Mitali, Local Government Minister, Christophe Bazivamo and Kigali City Mayor, Dr. Aisa Kirabo Kacyira were also among those who graced the ceremony.
