News in brief

Teachers’ ire over arrears Teachers in Musanze district stormed the district head offices over delays in salaries and other benefits while others claimed their salaries had been cut. The teachers said that there are salaries of previous months that they have not been paid and that those months were omitted from the payroll that was released Tuesday by the Ministry of Finance.  

Friday, September 04, 2009

Teachers’ ire over arrears

Teachers in Musanze district stormed the district head offices over delays in salaries and other benefits while others claimed their salaries had been cut.

The teachers said that there are salaries of previous months that they have not been paid and that those months were omitted from the payroll that was released Tuesday by the Ministry of Finance.  

However, the district officials in charge of education attributed the delays to the fact that some teachers did not properly give their bank details.

Elections flop

National Electoral Commission officials in Gatsibo District on Monday postponed the elections of the new Mayor that were set for Monday.

According to the District Advisory Council president, Peter Twahirwa a new date will be announced in the future.

Early last month, the district’s former Mayor, Jean Marie Vianney Murego and his two deputies were arrested for allegedly mismanaging state funds.

Religious leaders meet

Religious leaders in Karongi district on Tuesday started a 4-day seminar on how to deliver messages of development programmes to their flock.

Desire Rutangana, who organized the seminar, said the outcome of the meeting will spur some change in their communities.

Security guard killed

A security guard identified as Aime Habimana was on Tuesday night killed by unknown people while on duty in Kinamba, Nyarugenge district. According to his employers, the deceased could have been killed by thieves who wanted to break into the property he was guarding.   Police is still investigating the matter.

MINAGRI meets farmers

Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture yesterday concluded a 2-day meeting with farmers in Busasamana CAYIDU cooperative which deals in the production fruits, flowers and greens.

The officials are teaching them modern methods of farming.

Compiled by Fred Ndoli