You have done a good job Rwanda police

On 6th November, The New Times run an article of a woman who dumped her child in a 30 meters pit latrine. This was a very messy thing to do because it violates the rights of the child.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

On 6th November, The New Times run an article of a woman who dumped her child in a 30 meters pit latrine. This was a very messy thing to do because it violates the rights of the child.

In fact, she committed two crimes at ago. Mukamwiza aborted and at the same time killed her own daughter. So, the police had all rights to throw Perus Mukamwza behind bars.

Good work police for arresting this woman. It could be so unfair if she had not been punished.I suppose that if all the people who committed such crimes were caught and punished, then the children’s rights would be respected.
