True love is not a strategy and seeks no logic to be found

Aided by their infinite abilities like the intellect, physical energy, logic and science humans have made endless breakthroughs in conditioning and altering nature, but the softest and warmest of all nature’s disposition has failed them.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aided by their infinite abilities like the intellect, physical energy, logic and science humans have made endless breakthroughs in conditioning and altering nature, but the softest and warmest of all nature’s disposition has failed them.

Love is the only human disposition that does not need logic, energy or reinforcement to be discovered, some times it finds you.

A certain R&B musician in one of his songs said "there is always that one person that will always have your heart, you never see it coming coz you are blinded from the start” that’s exactly with some people; they are just taken in a whirlwind of love, affection and romance from the start.

This at a certain extent explains how the enigma of love starts, it starts at a time we least expect it and matures before we realize we even started anything in the first place, it is not the great and lofty things that ignites love but the smallest things we don’t even realize at times.

When the love of your life comes, deep inside your madness you realize the peaceful glow they bring to your heart and an enduring desire to make that person happy, things happen so first but you still feel you have all the time in the world.

True love doesn’t come with fear or insecurities, but a feeling as if it’s only you and him or her in the world and you feel as if you have all the time in the world, which perhaps confirms.

Being in a sound and spontaneous relationship with a person you love when he or she also loves you is arguably the sweetest thing to happen to anyone.

Some people have been lucky to attain this state of sweetness and some have taken it to a higher level of having it forever with their chosen soul mates.

However this doesn’t mean it is easily achievable, it sometimes doesn’t take what we can consciously offer or work for, and some find it out of sheer luck without putting any fight for it, it unfolds effortlessly just like those who work hard at it get the exact opposite at times, but when we finally get it, we should work hard to sustain it.

When it finally comes a person has to work and fight for his or her love, this is not normally easy because it takes sacrifice, openness and honesty and positive living.

Bo Sanchez in his book about finding true love he says that in order to have a true love for the right person is when you are willing to make a firm decision that you will choose to love him forever, he goes a head to advises that if to choose the right spouse, one needs to judge them by the measure of their committed love towards his or her parents, siblings, God, and himself or herself.

This is how he or she will love you in the future.
