Job seekers, be careful

As the job market becomes stiffer so do fake employers increase. Recently, a friend of mine applied for a job in one of the micro-finance organisations in town and was short listed.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

As the job market becomes stiffer so do fake employers increase. Recently, a friend of mine applied for a job in one of the micro-finance organisations in town and was short listed.

However, he was asked to pay a fee (not disclosed) in order to be taken up as an employee even with out being interviewed! This organisation advertised close to 100 jobs. For every job advertised, some 50 people may have applied.

Assuming that all the 100 jobs had 50 people applying for each, this makes it at least 15000 applicants which means a hefty sum of francs for the advertiser. Sincerely why would some one pay for an interview he may as well fail!

If this was a genuine company do all applicants have to pay for their interviews as if the advertiser did not need the people to fill those vacancies?

Be careful as you search for jobs.
