Weekly Review

Kagame demands quality education President Paul Kagame was early this week reported to have called upon education institutions to emphasize quality education, as the only way of producing a skilled and professional workforce, not only for the national labour market but also for the international one.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Richard Mugenzi is contemplating on suing French judge Louis Bruguere

Kagame demands quality education

President Paul Kagame was early this week reported to have called upon education institutions to emphasize quality education, as the only way of producing a skilled and professional workforce, not only for the national labour market but also for the international one.

The president, who addressed the students and staff of the National University of Rwanda, said the country still had a long way to go with regard to producing quality and competitive graduates capable of taking on the country’s challenges and also compete favourably with non-nationals.

2010 Presidential Polls to cost Rwf 6bn

It was also reported this week that the national electoral commission is seeking Rwf 6bn to facilitate the presidential elections that are slated for next year. The commission hopes to realize the budget from government and its development partners.

Charles Munyaneza, the NEC Executive Secretary was quoted saying that the increased budget is due to the number of voters that has shot up, necessitating more facilities like polling centres across the country, and also voter education programmes.

The number of voters is now at 5.2 million compared to 3.9 during the 2003 Presidential elections. This according to Munyaneza is because of the number of youths who attained voting age.

"Witness” to sue Bruguiere

Richard Mugenzi who was considered a key witness in the case filed by French Judge Jean Louis Bruguiere against top Rwanda officials has threatened to sue the French judge, after distancing himself from the case.

Bruguiere alleges that Mugenzi intercepted communication from the Rwanda Patriotic Army frequencies, and got information linking them to the downing of the plane carrying former president Juvenal Habyarimana.

Mugenzi, according to press reports, accuses Bruguiere of attributing to him things he never said. He also accused Bruguiere of unethical conduct for revealing his identity.

McRae extols dev’t strides

The outgoing Head of delegation of the European Union David McRae has commended the government of Rwanda on the strides taken towards development.

According to press reports, he made the remarks while speaking at a cocktail party organized in his honour by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He said that he has been privileged to witness and participate in many development projects in the country.

Mukasine’s fate to be decided next week

The Kacyiru Court of Lower Instance will on September, 3, rule on whether the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, Marie Claire Mukasine, the Director of Finance Alexis Karani and Jean Marie Vianney Makombe should be produced in court.

According to press reports, the officials are party to a case involving former provincial officials, Charles Gasana, and Vincent Gatwabuyenje, former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure. 

Run-away Mayor arrested

Police this week arrested Cyprian Nsengimana the former mayor of Ngorerero who has been on the run after being sentenced to jail two weeks ago.

Nsegimana and his deputy Jaques Habimana, according to press reports were handed 5 and 6 year jail sentences respectively for embezzling public funds.

He was reportedly arrested in Ruhengeri Musanze at a residential house he was hiding in.
