Twenty one coffee cuppers trained on quality

The Rwanda Coffee Development Authority (OCIR-Café) in partnership with East African Fine Coffees Association (EAFCA) trained 21 local coffee cuppers in order to improve the quality of Rwandan coffee.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Rwanda Coffee Development Authority (OCIR-Café) in partnership with East African Fine Coffees Association (EAFCA) trained 21 local coffee cuppers in order to improve the quality of Rwandan coffee.

According to Mbula Musau, the EAFCA in charge of Quality and Marketing, the training is part of the obligation to build capacity of the member countries and improving the quality of coffee that is both sold and consumed.

The trainers who were hired from the coffee quality institute of the United States of America received 23 coffee samples which were all commended to be of international standards.

"All the coffees that were sampled were found to be of high quality and none of them was rejected. I have found one of the best coffees in Rwanda,” said Allan Tracey, a trainer from USA.  

The three day training attracted 21 participants out of 30 that had been invited from 120 coffee washing stations in the country.

The trainees were drawn from both the private and public sectors and it will be a continuous exercise since it is cheaper to do it locally.

This has been the second batch of trainees to undertake the training the first having taken place last year where 20 people benefited.

Currently, Rwanda has close to 100 cuppers in total but with only 43 cuppers  licensed with international standards.

"The training of local cuppers will obtain quality control to be able to know what quality is in terms of the buyers. This is based on factors such as aroma, flavor and acidity” said Gahakwa Pierre, in charge of Quality Assurance Department at OCIR CAFE.
