Today in History-August 29th
Saturday, August 29, 2009

• 1793 - Slaves in French colony of St Domingue (Haiti) freed
• 1831 - Michael Faraday demonstrates 1st electric transformer
• 1842 - Great Britain & China sign Treaty of Nanking, ends Opium war
• 1862 - 2nd Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) begins
• 1916 - US Congress accept Jones Act: Philippines independence
• 1939 - Chaim Weizmann informs England that Palestine Jews will fight
  in WW II
• 1941 - German Einsatzkommando in Russia kills 1,469 Jewish children
• 1943 - Denmark scuttles their warships so as not to be taken by Germany
• 1944 - 15,000 American troops liberating Paris march down
  Champs Elysees
• 1945 - British liberate Hong Kong from Japan
• 1957 - Strom Thurmond (Sen-D-SC) ends 24 hr filibuster against
  civil rights
• 1966 - Beatles last public concert (Candlestick Park, SF)
• 1986 - Morocco king Hassan II signs unity treaty with Libya
• 1988 - USSR launches 3 cosmonauts (Valery Polyakav, 1 Afghan) to station Mir
