PLWA venture into pepper farming

RWAMAGANA  – The African Evangelist Enterprise (AEE) has advised pepper farmers in Rwamagana District, to embrace voluntary HIV testing as part of the measures aimed at curbing the epidemic. 

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Women members of the pepper production cooperatives attending a meeting. (Photo: S. Rwembeho)

RWAMAGANA  – The African Evangelist Enterprise (AEE) has advised pepper farmers in Rwamagana District, to embrace voluntary HIV testing as part of the measures aimed at curbing the epidemic. 

Pastor Ezekiel Rukema, the coordinator of AEE in Rwamagana, made the appeal after inspecting four pepper cooperatives on Thursday.

There are four cooperatives in Mwurire sector involved in pepper growing whose members are mostly people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWA).  

"These cooperatives were set up essentially to help people living with HIV/AIDS for the purposes of ensuring that they are offered a sustainable mode of support. The money they get from pepper sales helps them live positively,” Pastor Rukema said.

Members of the cooperative say they have been able to earn real incomes from the initiative.

Gertrude Nyirarukundo, says their group earned over Rwf 100 000  this season from pepper sales.

The farmers intend to increase their production processes from three hectares to twenty five.

AEE encourages pepper production projects, finances them and supports market penetration initiatives on behalf of the cooperative members.

"Our client buys pepper in large quantities. It is our challenge therefore, to satisfy the company that buys our produce,” said Jean Bosco Kayinamura, another member of the cooperative.

The pepper cooperative is made up of 50 members, 33 of who are women.
