Perfect Weekend….:Marcus Bushaku

Marcus Bushaku is the Guild President of Kigali Health Institute (KHI). He is undertaking a Bachelors of Biomedical Laboratory Science.

Friday, August 28, 2009
Marcus Bushaku

Marcus Bushaku is the Guild President of Kigali Health Institute (KHI). He is undertaking a Bachelors of Biomedical Laboratory Science.

Attending to different issues related to fellow students with the institutes` administration alongside his studies must make him a busy man throughout the week.

So, does he get time to cool off over the weekend? He tells us below:

Officially, the weekend starts on Friday evening, but I do not enjoy for the two days as it’s meant to be.

I enjoy it mostly on Sunday since I attend to students` issues that were pending from Friday.

However at about 5p.m, I get some free time to meet a few friends.

On Sunday after church, I quickly change into weekend wear and head a nice restaurant for lunch. The restaurants differ, but I am yet to find a perfect one I can always head to.

I ensure lunch is different from the usual campus meals. I prefer local food stuffs. 

Sundays are when I visit friends but the perfect ones are those when I visit children in their respective institutions.
I love children.

I can’t let the weekend pass without visiting an orphanage or aid organization for children to share with them some ideas and time.

That makes my weekend perfect.

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