GET INSPIRED:Situations don’t last forever

Did you ever realize that there is an answer to every question? Has it ever crossed your mind that people pass through situations but no one has ever stayed still in a situation?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Did you ever realize that there is an answer to every question? Has it ever crossed your mind that people pass through situations but no one has ever stayed still in a situation?

Life is a package of mixed blessings and problems.
As there are always best moments, bad moments also do surface once in a while.

To people, best moments are cherished and the bad moments dreaded even before they occur in their lives.

However much it’s a reality that each day that goes by is a foot step to everyone’s grave; many people don’t even want to think of death!

Death, illness, financial crises, family instability, name it, are things that people never plan for at any moment in their lives.

"I once spoke about my children’s future in case I died but I was rebuked and told by my own wife that I am a sadist,” says Joel Mulisa.

Like nature dictates, we dread mishaps and we don’t want to prepare for it.

However, taking time to analyze reality will help us to boldly face the future in the comfort that situations are never everlasting.

Though situations are not everlasting, their consequences are everlasting depending on how one handles them.

It’s sad that most people choose not to move on; they dwell on sad times and memories. The sad memories end up determining their future and before they know it, they’ve lost it all.

"Everyone has the capacity to be the best they can if they don’t let their past determine take centre stage,” says Catherine Umuhoza.

Umuhoza grieved for 7 years when she lost her husband. She thought that was the end of her life. She however says she has recently realised she had to shrug off that weight and move, forge a bright future.

The biggest oversight a person can ever make is to meditate and dwell on a situation.

"Thinking too much about your hard luck might end up choking you,” says Cynthia Karenzi.

Since it’s everyone’s dream to have the best future, it’s necessary that we leave all situations behind and boldly look towards a better future.

The best way to achieve this is by accepting that situations come in their given time but they should never influence us.

In fact good or bad situations should teach us how to be smarter and useful. They should influence us positively.
Nothing is more important than hoping for the best regardless of the situation.

There is a common saying that a person can spend 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without oxygen but only 4 seconds without hope.

"This explains why many people are surviving with HIV/AIDS while others die of it quickly,” says Mulisa.

We can soar high above all situations if we don’t let them define our destiny.

All we should care about is the fact that not a single situation lasts for a life time, unless you let it.
