FOCUS:Airbags: safety device or safety hazard

When you get behind the wheel and you probably have many things on your mind. Airbags is not one of them. Most cars that are driven on the roads of Kigali do not have airbags installed in them.

Friday, August 28, 2009

When you get behind the wheel and you probably have many things on your mind. Airbags is not one of them. Most cars that are driven on the roads of Kigali do not have airbags installed in them.

Most of us automatically trust that the brand of car we purchased whether new or used will safely transport us from one place to another.

Airbags are just not under scrutiny. Since airbags are invisible, we put them out of sight, out of mind until an airbag deploys when we drive over a bump, slam the door too hard, or when it fails to deploy when we’re in an accident and need it most, or when the airbag does deploy, we or our children and other passengers are gravely injured.

Now if you haven’t thought about airbags before -- here are a few things to consider: Airbags detonate with around 2,000 kilogrames of force at speeds that can exceed 200 kilometers per hour.

Airbags were developed for the average 5-foot 8-inch, 180-kg male.

If you’re shorter and heavier or shorter and weigh less or taller and heavier and sit closer to the steering wheel, you will have to take your chances. Hopefully, you don’t have a heart condition as an exploding airbag can be fatal.

Inspite of airbags being crucial in times of an accident, they can also cause injuries.

Though rare, serious or fatal injuries can occur when the driver or passenger is very close to or in direct contact with an airbag module when the airbag deploys.

Brain injuries can happen to unconscious drivers who slump over the steering wheel or improperly restrained occupants who slide forward in the seat during pre-crash braking, and even properly restrained drivers who sit too close to the steering wheel.

Side-impact crashes are three times more likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury than people involved in head-on or other types of collisions. Brain injuries from side-impact crashes are usually more severe.  

Other airbag injuries from being hit by an airbag or exposed to its contents include eye injuries such as blunt trauma to the eye causing corneal abrasions, sub-retinal hemorrhage, blurred vision, retinal detachment.

Chemical injuries include burns to the face and other parts of the body as well as breathing and asthma problems gases emitted from the airbag.

Facial scarring may be caused when by an exploding airbag driving or grinding broken glass into the victim’s face or upper body.