HEALTH:Chronic obstructive airways disease

Chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD) or COPD is a progressive disease of the airways of the lungs.    Good patency of the airways or air tubes of the lungs is necessary for good ventilation.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chronic obstructive airways disease (COAD) or COPD is a progressive disease of the airways of the lungs.    Good patency of the airways or air tubes of the lungs is necessary for good ventilation.

In case they get obstructed, a person suffers from chronic cough and breathlessness.

 Chronic bronchitis, i.e. early form of COAD is a state in which patients have cough with expectoration chronically over months together.

As disease advances, symptoms are aggravated.  Cough is with copious expectoration and even disturbs the sleep. 

The trouble is aggravated after exposure to cold and dust.
One suffering from COAD for long time gradually tends to develop right sided heart failure, thus getting more disabled.  

Chronic smoking is one of the major risk factors for developing COAD.   After smoking for more than 10, 15 years people tend to develop COAD.

Though they repent at this stage and even try to stop smoking but the damage incurred is permanent. Thus their suffering also becomes permanent.

Apart from smokers, some other people can suffer from COPD. These are those  who work for  years  in fields, mines and factories where they continuously inhale dust of varying kinds.

COAD affects the person in many ways.  Working efficiency of the person is reduced. In the prime of one’s life, a man is not able to do hard work Result is  financial problems.

There is loss of appetite and loss of weight due to which the person looks emaciated. 

At times the lips may have a  bluish  look, because of chronic lack of oxygen. Nails become curved proximally like the beak of a parrot.

 As heart failure sets in one develops swelling over feet and in later stages, over the face and whole body.

 In short, if you see an asthenic  man coughing constantly, producing copious  white expectoration with the external physical appearance described, you can be sure that he has been smoking.

The affected poorly ventilated lungs become prone to infections.

Tuberculosis, lung abscess, pneumonia, e.t.c., diseases easily set in, adding to the misery of the sufferer.  

The diagnosis of COPD is easily made by clinical features. X-ray chest, lung function tests and blood gas analysis, are done to assess the extent of damage, to the lungs. Treatment is mainly supportive and symptomatic.

Bronchodilators like salbutamol, corticosteroids are given to provide some relief to the sufferer. Antibiotics are given to treat the infection. Various cough syrups containing cocktail of different medications are used by these patients. 

Medicines have to be taken repeatedly for the recurrent problems and the person invariably develops side effects. 
Thus a vicious circle is created for the affected person from whom it is difficult for him to move out.

Breathing exercises of Yoga offer a ray of hope to improve the quality of life, in those who have developed COAD. Deep breathing by regulating inhalation and exhalation improves ventilation in the lower poorly ventilated parts of the lungs.

It also improves the stamina of the patient for exertion thus improving work efficiency.

Regular steam inhalation and postural drainage helps clear the copious expectoration and helps the patient to be comfortable.

Drinking plenty of water is very useful in people having COPD as good hydration reduces coughing to some extent which is otherwise exaggerated by dryness of throat.

Refrigerated cold drinks and foods should be avoided as cold things also can aggravate cough. 

Young men or women who have started smoking should look at their elders who have been smoking and how they are   suffering from   COAD now. If they do not stop at this stage, well that could be their future also.

 The author is a specialist in Internal Medicine.                                    

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