The secret life of... : Desire Ndushabandi

Desire Ndushabandi is the Rector of Kigali Health Institute. He has held the post since 2004. Below he shares with us some unique issues about himself.

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Rector of Kigali Health Institute:

Desire Ndushabandi is the Rector of Kigali Health Institute. He has held the post since 2004. Below he shares with us some unique issues about himself.

The first thing you do in the morning…

Knee strengthening exercise for my knees in front of my bathroom mirror.
When are you happiest?

When some people I did not know well acknowledge that I was helpful to them

Greatest fear…

Creating enemies 

Earliest childhood memory…

1959 events that led me to flee into Uganda

Affectionate memory from your parents…

The care parents gave me in Onrichinga refugee settlement

Greatest achievement…

Participation in Rwanda’s liberation struggle

What keeps you awake?

I never keep awake but before falling asleep, I try to remember what I did not accomplish during the day.

The most important lesson life has taught you…

To be humble and patient

During your free time…

Reading while listening to radio news (Rwanda, BBC and Voice of (Africa)

Retirement plans

Practice ultrasonography for patients that may be in need of it
