Applying for Rwandan citizenship is a sign of faith

Editor, I just want to comment on the article ‘20 sit for citizenship exam’ that ran in yesterday’s issue. It’s a good thing for the country and a sign of faith in it.

Friday, August 21, 2009
Some of the candidates for Rwandan citizenship


I just want to comment on the article ‘20 sit for citizenship exam’ that ran in yesterday’s issue. It’s a good thing for the country and a sign of faith in it.

We usually hear of people trying to sneak their way into Europe or America and sometimes dying along the way either by drowning or some other cause.

So reading about people applying and sitting for exams to be citizens of a country that fifteen years ago would not let its own people in it and which brings the word Genocide to minds of some people in some parts of the world, was very uplifting.

I just want to wish the applicants success. You are most welcome.

Claude Munyaneza