And all night Kamikaze and her clansmen rejoiced and celebrated the birth of Wambutu. They danced, sang ate and drunk in the moon light and with lamps on the lamp stands to provide a more light.

Monday, November 05, 2007

And all night Kamikaze and her clansmen rejoiced and celebrated the birth of Wambutu. They danced, sang ate and drunk in the moon light and with lamps on the lamp stands to provide a more light.

All the men were seated at a fire in the middle of the compound from which they were roasting meat and also keeping themselves warm, as it was cold at night in their village.

They talked about the stories of war with Gajagaja when Waikobe’s father had been chief in Gajagaja, and how he had always been against them and often fought them.

Then one day, in a very dry season when there was no water at all, a young woman named  Kamikaze had ended up at the king’s well to fetch water. While she was there, Waikobe came to water his father’s animals and found Kamikaze at the well.

Afraid to be caught fetching water from the king’s well, she tried to run away and leave the pot behind. But Waikobe had called her back and asked her to fetch and go. Charmed by her beauty, Waikobe had silently followed Kamikaze on her way back to the village until he found where she lived.

And as time went on, Waikobe and Kamikaze fell in love with each other. But Waikobe’s father at first could not let Waikobe marry Kamikaze since their clans had been rivals.

But when Waikobe had decided to run away from his village to Kamikaze’s village and marry her had Waikobe’s father allowed then to get married since he did not want his oldest and most loved son to desert him.

Kamikaze had thus become an ambassador of peace for her village to Waikobe’s village and from then on, Waikobe’s father had never attacked Kamikaze’s village.

When Waikobe grew and became chief, the two villages had lived together in harmony until the elders’ of Waikobe’s village had started complaining about Kamikaze not giving birth to a baby boy.

The elders of the village had always prayed to their gods to grant their daughter a son and thus grant their village peace from their neighbours. But after many years, they had given up and were always afraid that Waikobe’s men would one day attack their village.

But now that the gods had granted their daughter a son, they were very happy because Waikobe would be very happy and thus would not got to war against them. To be continued, how Kamikaze returned to Gajagaja village as they looked for her.
