Bravo doctors to Arielle and Frank

Life is precious but when it comes to the health of children, it becomes tremendously precious. It is good to watch children who are alive and healthy but when they fall sick, they become the number rob one to take away the peace of their parents or guardian.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Life is precious but when it comes to the health of children, it becomes tremendously precious. It is good to watch children who are alive and healthy but when they fall sick, they become the number rob one to take away the peace of their parents or guardian.

Children do suffer from different diseases, certain diseases children develop may be very difficult to identify, treat or handle because they are too young to tell where they feel the pains.

A child who is suffering from heart failure is so worrying, a big number of these children tend to die because it is very expensive to under go a surgery.

Many thanks go first to King Fiscal Hospital that has helped many Rwandan children with heart problems under a surgery at a low cost.

Arielle, Frank and Mutoni are among the children who have benefited from heart surgery at King fiscal Hospital.

The Children’s Times sends its special thanks to the doctors who successfully operated these innocent angels.

According to the report from their mothers in a press conference which was held on 3, Oct, 2007, these children’s health is improving.

Dear Arielle and Frank, the Children’s Times wishes you an everlasting quick recovery. Live to be strong with good health.       
