Moringa growing begins in Bugesera

EASTERN PROVINCE BUGESERA—Moringa growing has been launched in Mareba after months of careful planning. The medicinal plant serving a variety of purposes including medicine for both people and animals, cosmetics, soap, water purification and diesel fuel, is yet to be tested, researchers say.

Monday, November 05, 2007


BUGESERA—Moringa growing has been launched in Mareba after months of careful planning. The medicinal plant serving a variety of purposes including medicine for both people and animals, cosmetics, soap, water purification and diesel fuel, is yet to be tested, researchers say.

It was launched this Thursday by World Food Programme country director Maarit Hirvonen and the director of the institute of scientific and technological research manager, Dr. Jean Baptiste Nduwayezu, who together with residents planted several of the tree seedlings around Mareba health centre and distributed 2000 of them for residents to plant in their homes.

In a campaign to cover three districts of the country, at least 400,000 moringa tree seedlings were projected to be planted in Bugesera, Kayonza and Huye.

The duo, with a team from the moringa growers’ cooperative, organised a mini-exposition of products made out of moringa at the site of the launching exercise.

"It is surprising that in Rwanda compared to other countries the tree can grow and its products harvested within four months,” Hirvonen said.

"This shows great promise to help overcome the most severe effects of malnutrition and poverty.”

A kilo of moringa seeds is bought at about Frw8000 from farmers. Dr. Nduwayezu stressed the need for extensive growing of the plant for its enormous uses.

"Researchers have discovered that moringa can produce a lot of products which necessitates more supply of the products. It is against which that we have embarked on extensive growing of the plant.”
