Honoree Ayebale, Rwanda’s sensational basketballer

So many times, stars are hard to reach and some are not so easily noticeable especially in a society like ours that is media shy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Honoree Ayebale in action

So many times, stars are hard to reach and some are not so easily noticeable especially in a society like ours that is media shy.

However, Eric Kabeera was able to gain access to Rwanda’s female basketball star, Honoree Ayebale and below are excerpts:
Who is Ayebale? 

I am Honoree Ayebale. I was born in Rwanda but my parents took me to the United States of America where I grew up.
When did you start playing basketball?

Children at school used to play basketball and that inspired me. I would watch basketball on TV and started practicing it
Some people are wondering whether you really are Rwandan?
I am absolutely Rwandan, both my parents are banyarwanda but who live in America.
Academic qualification?

I have a degree in Education. So, I am a teacher by profession.
How did you feel getting the top scorer during the recent FIBA zone 5 tournament in Uganda?

I was extremely excited because it was not an easy task considering all the teams that participated from different countries.
How do you see Rwanda’s basketball future?

The future is bright because we have good players who are determined and coaches who know what they want. I think in two years Rwanda will be the best in Africa.

What do you expect after basketball?

I expect to start teaching in secondary school and I also plan to initiate a basketball academy so that I can bring up younger talented Rwandese.

Do you expect to go back to America?

No, I want to remain in Rwanda because it’s my country.

What advise can you give younger people who would like to play basketball?

I want to encourage them to join this game because it’s good. You travel to different countries, make friends, get money and so many other things.
What do you request from Rwandan government?

I request it to invest more financial support in the game so that basketball can grow in the country.
Is Ayebale married?

Haa haa I am single and searching.

How do you spend your leisure time?

I like reading, sleeping and visiting my friends.
