Giving up alcohol

Alcoholism is the condition of continuous persistent drinking of alcohol in spite of negative physical, social and occupational consequences.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Alcoholism is the condition of continuous persistent drinking of alcohol in spite of negative physical, social and occupational consequences.

The state of physical and mental dependence on alcohol is addiction, i.e. a condition where one cannot live without alcohol.

This condition is the forerunner of many health related physical and mental problems produced due to alcoholism.

The amount of alcohol consumed to produce alcoholism is variable depending on type and amount of alcohol taken, physical and mental build of the person, his nutritional status and also genetic factors. In general women and young children are more prone to harmful effects of alcohol. But men are also not exempt.

Once a person becomes an addict, he or she finds it very difficult to quit. Because of the physical dependence, the body craves for alcohol.

Withdrawal symptoms like depression, agitation, tremors of hands, insomnia, e.t.c. may develop. A strong will is needed to give up this habit.

If the withdrawal symptoms are mild, the affected person can ignore them. If he suffers much, hospitalization for surveillance is needed.

Some workers advocate reducing intake of alcohol gradually and then stopping it totally. But this does not serve the purpose. Because an addict may take alcohol in less quantity for some days and then suddenly revert to normal quantity.

A good nutritious  diet is a must for the ex-alcoholic as he is deprived of essential nutrients due to chronic alcohol intake, particularly vitamin B complex and that too thiamine ( vitaminB1).

It is beneficial to take injections of vitamin B.complex in the early stages to replace this deficiency.

Extensive counseling is needed for both the individual and his family. The person should be explained about the deleterious effects of alcohol on the mind and body.

He should be told to stay away from the bottle. When he has a craving to drink, he should munch some snacks say for example pea nuts or take some juice in small quantity at that very moment.

Getting out to take a breath of fresh air, or some creative activity done will also help his mind to be distracted from the craving. If this is done regularly, the desire to drink will reduce gradually.

Family of the alcoholic should be explained to, that they should not condemn or criticize him. With criticism he is likely to revert back to the bottle again. Firmly and patiently he should be kept away from alcohol.

They should give him all the time and company he needs to keep him away from the company in which he was drinking. He also needs observation because extreme depression and suicidal tendencies can occur after quitting alcohol and may lead to suicide.

For some days after quitting alcohol, the person is given sedatives and tranquilizers to overcome the physical problems due to withdrawal.

Regular physical exercise helps to keep the body and mind healthy and joyful. Yogic breathing exercises are very useful in reducing the craving for alcohol and thus helping in deaddiction of an alcoholic.

If in spite of counseling, symptomatic treatment and good nutritious food, one finds it difficult to give up drinking habit, one can take help of institutions which help in giving up drinking. Such institutions make use of drugs like disulphiram popularly known as antabuse.

When one takes this drug before alcohol, unpleasant reactions are produced in the body.

These reactions gradually induce the person to abandon drinking. Other commonly used drugs like metronidazole (used for protozoal infections), greisofulvin (for treating fungal infections) also have antabuse like effect and can be used if disulphiram is not available.

These drugs should be used only under medical supervision.
‘Alcoholics anonymous’ is such an organization.

Founded in America, around 1935 to help alcoholics give up this unhealthy habit, it provides   free counseling, treatment and   interaction among alcoholics wishing to give up alcohol.

In summary it can be said that giving up alcohol is not difficult.

The only thing needed is determination of the alcoholic and support provided by family and medical professionals.

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