LIVING LIFE:Just Over Broke

Ok, you have a good job. So what? How come you have been slaving yourself for the past so many years and all you can show for it is a good curriculum vitae, the fear of the unknown and you are always just over broke (for whose acronyms are J.O.B.).

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Ok, you have a good job. So what? How come you have been slaving yourself for the past so many years and all you can show for it is a good curriculum vitae, the fear of the unknown and you are always just over broke (for whose acronyms are J.O.B.).

I have one too but most of the time, like you, I am constantly trying to balance the two sides of my balance sheet.

How come you are always trying to make an extra buck on the occasional deal?

How come however much you get that much fought for twenty percent pay rise, you never seem to have any more money at the end of the bank but instead seem to have a bigger hole in the pocket?

If this is you, the bad news is that a huge pay rise will not change the quality of your life, and the good news is, like me, you are not alone.

In our side of the world, we are brought up to think that all we have to do in this life is study hard, pass our exams, and get a nice job, perhaps work our way upwards to the peak and retire to a nice pension.

The bad news again is that nobody would be comfortable to live on a fraction of what they used to earn in their hey days because they have retired. Social security is obviously a good way of putting away a coin for a rainy day, but that is not the solution to a good retirement.

Think about this. Bill Gates founded Microsoft and used an invention that was already made to make himself rich, make a huge global company and make himself the wealthiest man on the planet, at least for a while.

And because his professors did not believe in his dream, he quit Harvard University and went to find his destiny.

Today, Harvard University calls Gates their alumni. Of course he has thousands of honest employees who earn a fixed salary every month and a pay rise every once in while to keep their motivation up.

But the truth is, that pay rise will motivate them to make more money for the boss, much higher than the percentage of more money they get.

Hold it, just before you quit that nice job of yours, think about this. To make a company as big as Microsoft, you need a big dream and you need to have thorough understanding of whatever business you want to go into.

While you are at it make smart achievable goals and focus on that big dream, actualize that big dream and make it seem easy by putting timelines, and visible targets.

Before you know it, you might be employing people, motivating and giving them pay rises and you might just get away from that Just Over Broke syndrome that seems to keep you in the rat race.

Ha, I wish you a dreamy Sunday.