GATSIBO – Local leaders in Kiziguro Sector have pegged local authority services to resident’s attendance of the monthly community work commonly known as ‘Umuganda’ in order to attract more participants.
GATSIBO – Local leaders in Kiziguro Sector have pegged local authority services to resident’s attendance of the monthly community work commonly known as ‘Umuganda’ in order to attract more participants.
The Sector Executive Secretary, Emmanuel Ntagungira explained that residents are issued with community work and Umurenge Sacco cards which are presented every time they seek different sorts of services from local leaders.
"We are doing this to encourage residents to join these community- based income generating activities.
For instance, Umurenge Sacco will help residents get out of poverty through savings but most of them have not joined it,” he said.
"Our intention is to rally them behind government programmes but not for the sake of denying them services.”
Ntagungira added that since the new policy started recently, a tremendous change has been exhibited with respect to attendance of Umuganda and membership drives for such activities.
"Residents have embraced the new move. Membership into the Umurenge Sacco has increased as a result of this policy and residents have welcomed it,” he said.