There is always a way out!!!!

From time immemorial men have shown their desire to rule over women. Some women accepted without any kind of resistance, they think men are superior to them but this is not true and my story proves it.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

From time immemorial men have shown their desire to rule over women. Some women accepted without any kind of resistance, they think men are superior to them but this is not true and my story proves it.

Josephine is one of my friends, a cunning, courageous, and creative girl. She never believes in the violence that men show towards women, but this is not because she is not aware of some cases but because she believes that men are not any much stronger than women to violate them.

She thinks that women who are violated were either overpowered by more than one man at the time of violation or just accepted their fate without trying to figure out how they can overpower their violators.

In saying that Josephine has got her reasons and one is the way she escaped from being violated.

"Do you want a lift?” said a man who slowed his vehicle as he approached her.

"Yes, please, thank you,” she responded.

Josephine’s response lifted the man’s spirit who started to salivate as a dog in front of meat.

"Where are you going?” asked the man who was down town on his way to Kimironko. "I am going to Kimihurura, hope we are heading in the same direction?....”

They continued talking of the sun and how hot Kigali is just to break the ice, and the driver’s hands started to deviate from the gear to the lady’s thighs and Josephine smiled as if she was pleased yet she was planning on how to punish the fool.

"Oh, that is the path to my home.

Thank you for your kindness,” she said.

The guy continued driving as if he had not heard her and Josephine calmly reiterated that she wanted him to stop and leave her there but the guy instead doubled the speed.

 "Haa! Do you want me to go with you? Ok, I am all yours do whatever you want before I get angry and eat you,” Josephine said.

 "Eat me?” the driver asked fearfully.
"Yeah eat you.”

"Do you want to say that you are a kind of blood hunter or vampire?” the driver asked.

"Think you have the right answer,” Josephine responded.
"Can you accept my apology and get out of my car?”

"No, I think now all I want is to taste your young blood…” said Josephine.

While saying that, she crept closer to the driver who was now shaking as if he were freezing, the weather having suddenly dropped to below zero degrees. At the same time, he was sweating profusely as if the sun were angrily focussing on him.

 "Oh, please, Jesus pardon me and I will never annoy any other girl in my life…” prayed the driver.

"Ok, swear you will never do that again and I pardon you,” Josephine said.

"Harassing women? That kind of idea will never cross my mind again…”
"Ok stop the car and leave me here you young stupid man…” ordered Josephine.

The driver stopped the car and in not more than one second after Josephine, he started the car running as if he was in a real rally.

On her part, Josephine laughingly called me immediately and exclaimed "I have punished a man!!!”

From her story all I got is that she is not completely wrong saying that there is a way out, ladies be creative!!!  
