Foodstuff prices increase

Consumers in Kigali City are digging deep into their pockets to afford meals as prices of foodstuffs have increased, some by 40 per cent.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Consumers in Kigali City are digging deep into their pockets to afford meals as prices of foodstuffs have increased, some by 40 per cent.

A mini survey curried out in some markets and shops indicates that peas now cost Frw1,400 from Frw 1200. While groundnuts have hiked to Frw700 from Frw500, this is the highest price city consumers are paying for foodstuffs.

But retailers warn—the prices may hike more during in Christmas festivity. A kilo of meat now costs Frw1,200 increased.

Alice Mutoni, a vendor at Kimironko market says she was forced to increase prices partly because her suppliers had increased the prices too.

"Our suppliers have increased their prices on every commodity. So we had to do the same if we are to remain in business”, she said.

The survey shows that tomatoes, fish, Irish potatoes, cassava, green bananas, sorghum, beans, rice had also registered upward prices.

Jean Gahene, a vendor at Biryogo market in Nyarugenge says high transport costs from farms to Kigali  have partly contributed to the price hikes.

"We buy our foodstuffs from upcountry. Import some from Uganda. So you can imagine the transport we incur to deliver these foodstuffs to Kigali.

Bosco Uwimana, a supplier of peas, beans, Irish potatoes and other assorted food stuffs in Nyabugogo market however blames price increase to climatic changes.

He said parts in the countryside that produce these foodstuffs were hit by heavy rains that destroyed crops, thus resulting to low production.

He identified some of these areas as Gitarama, Byumba and some parts of Kibungo.
