Perfect Weekend…: Samuel Bimenyimana

Samuel Bimenyimana is a lecturer as well as the evening programme coordinator at Adventist University of Central Africa in Kigali-Rwanda. He surely must be a busy man. Could he be having some time off on weekends? Below, he tells us what would make his perfect weekend:

Saturday, August 01, 2009
Samuel Bimenyimana

Samuel Bimenyimana is a lecturer as well as the evening programme coordinator at Adventist University of Central Africa in Kigali-Rwanda. He surely must be a busy man. Could he be having some time off on weekends? Below, he tells us what would make his perfect weekend:

The way I spend my weekend is different from others. It starts at 1p.m on Friday as I prepare for the Sabbath day, Saturday.

I straight away go home to my family.

On Saturday, I go to church before any other place. By mid-day, I am already home to have lunch together with my family. At my age, I do not go out but still I enjoy it my own way.
I get my Piano and play music of our time for my children.

I personally bring back the memories. My wife joins me and we enjoy together.

The music I play and the way my family responds, gives me joy. After such entertainment, I may either receive some visitors or be guest somewhere. Depending on the programme, I may utilize this time to watch movies with my children.

But I can never let the weekend go without sharing challenges in the home with my family.

This too makes the weekend have an impact based on our resolutions against the challenges.

I make sure by 8p.m I am home to prepare for Sunday being a working day to me.

That is how I spend my perfect weekend.